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发表于 2006-6-24 15:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
China vs USA
China would win. We wouldn’t use nukes and they have more people


sorry buddy, but america is nuke happy and if any one f*cks with them, about 50 are headed in their direction


You are a f*cking dumbass. China has been stealing our nuclear military secrets for years. For all we know, they could sabotage our shit at the last minute.read and learn,dumbass


Hey, buddy, truth is, WE WOULD WIN YOU *** ING COMMUNIST!!!!!!! Yeah, China, even though they put all their resources into military, they would lose. Our military is well treated and have more reason to fight other than for not being killed by government. You suck you anti-American… Die.


I’m very pro american. I live in america… I even support the war in iraq (one of the few who apparently do)… thinking that my country would lose a war against a powerful country doesn’t make me a communist


China has more people and they are smarter. China>USA


Wouldnt it be who attacks first?Like imagine if the US dropped about 1500 BIG nukes at the same time China couldnt retialiate but that could go either way I guess


Communists can do anything when motivated. War is a strong motivator for any country. They could get us if it came down to it. They have already begun to shift past industrialization. Plus they have russia above them. They could probabably get some technology om up there if they needed to om old soviet sympathizers


China has more people. But the US his superior military power (especially the navy). So the USA would kick china’s ass.


technology can only do so much. They would just out number us


We arent connected by land, and we have the greatest navy in the world.


We have the power of jesus.

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 16:00 | 只看该作者
<DIV>Communists have a great work force that could be used to outnumber our navy. The greatest weakness of an army is its underestimating of others. Should the chinese make it to our soil we would loose </DIV>
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<DIV>CD有巨大的劳动大军,他们可以从数量上压倒我们的海军。一支军队最致命的弱点就是低估对手,只有他们能登陆美国,我们就输定了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Things don’t always go the way you want them to in war. With the work force they have available I bet they could make it here and we would fail in an invasion of china. There are too many of them. So even if it did stalmate for a while. Their technology would catch up in war and they would make it across the ocean </DIV>
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<DIV>战争不完全按着你希望它们的方式运行,他们有那么大的生产大军,我打赌他们能够打到我们这里来,美国会陷入被中国的侵略之中。他们人太多了,就算战争会僵持一端时间,他们的技术也会赶上来帮助他们渡过大洋打过来。 </DIV>
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<DIV>China has enough to blow up the US… MAD DOESN’T = WIN </DIV>
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<DIV>中国有足够的核武器炸毁美国。。。疯狂不=胜利 </DIV>
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<DIV>Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don’t know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests of Washington Oregon and California and be like “???” And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through the harsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war. Whichever side the Arapaho join will win because they are desert people and they know the land just like the south in the civil war. Anyway, if we made it to China I think we could probably just get most of them to join us because I heard they like McDonalds and America there so just pass out ee things to get them to join our army and make a new army out of them. It’s a force multiplier. </DIV>
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<DIV>请记住中国人很多都不知道熊是什么东西,所以他们登陆以后,穿越滩头阵地,就可能进入俄勒冈州或加州等的森林地带,那样的话很多他们的步兵就会被狗熊消灭,当然他们也可以从南部新墨西哥州严酷的沙漠地带进入,那战争的成败就决定于土著Arapaho印地安兄弟们的了。Arapaho印地安人加入哪边哪边就会赢,因为他们是沙漠居民,他们就如同南北战争时南军一样的了解南方。但是,如果我们能打到中国我想我们肯定能让那里的大部分人加入我们一方,因为我听说他们喜欢那里麦当劳,所以我们只要分发免费的东西给他们,然后让他们加入我们一方,我们就可以从那里组织一支新的军队,这是让我们军队成倍增长的好办法。 </DIV>
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<DIV>China would kung-fu kick the U.S. in the balls.Too bad they have small penises. </DIV>
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<DIV>中国人将会用功夫踢烂美国人那玩意。可不幸的是他们那玩意太小了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Doesn’t matter, once that war would start many countries would severe trade connections weakening both countries but since China is the only country in the world with a self sustaining economy, they’d hardly be affected. </DIV>
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<DIV>其他都没有关系,一旦战争爆发很多国家都会中断和两国的贸易往来,这对两个国家都会有影响,但由于中国是世界上唯一一个能自我维持的经济体系,他们不会被影响很大。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently. Its becuase they are figthting over who will get Russias oil. They most definately dont have enough oil there to be self sufficent.Read, China imports oil. Actually, they are the big reason prices are jumping so d**n much </DIV>
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<DIV>狗屁自我维持经济,中国和日本的关系最近为什么那么紧张呀?就是因为它们为了争夺俄罗斯的石油,他们绝对没有自我维持所需要的石油。记住,中国进口石油,就就是他XX的油价涨的这么快的原因! </DIV>
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<DIV>If there was going to be a war between us it would be because of this. And I highly doubt it would take place in either China or the Americas. It would happen in the middle east. China needs oil. They absolutely need it to continue tohave any chance of being a strong power in the world. Russia is one option. The middle east, may be the way they go and we would protect our intrests. And all of a sudden we have a war on our hands. </DIV>
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<DIV>没错,如果中美真要发生战争的话,肯定是因为石油这么问题。而且我不认为战争会发生在美国和中国任何一方的国土上,战争可能会发生在中东地区。中国需要石油,他们绝对需要石油去继续他们成为世界强国的努力。俄罗斯是他们的一个选择,但中东可能是他们要去的地方,那么我们就会去保卫自己的利益,然后忽然间,我们就处于战争状态了。 </DIV>
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 16:00 | 只看该作者
<DIV>And whats more a war right where the chinese would be in a good position to have one. Of course they would never invade The United States of America…. unless they had a great plan. But the middle east is another thing entirely. In a place where land is really the only thing to fight on. China would win. Well we could just use hydrogen cells. Anyway, the thing about the chinese is that they’re group oriented so all you have to do is sit a machine gun in ont of their military base and shoot them all when they run out. I saw it in a WWII movie. That’s why we won WWII so easy.Anyway, The thing about the chinese is that most of them have never heard of a plane or a loud siren so all we have to do is chopper in some sirens, call in an air strike, scare them all off and send in the troops. While they’re shocked we will clean up their army and make the civilians join our army. </DIV>
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<DIV>还有中国的优势在于,当然他们不会去入侵美国,除非他们有更大的计划。但是对中东就是完全是另一种情况了,在中东除了占领土地就没什么其他可图利益了,所以中国会取胜。我们应该用氢能源代替汽油。还有中国人是以集体思想为中心的,所以我们只需要在他们的军事基地外面架挺机枪,等他们跑出来以后把他们全射死,我看的一部二战电影就是这样的,这就是我们为什么那么轻松的就赢了二战。再有就是大部分中国人从来没有听到过飞机和警报的声音,我们只需要让直升机响起警报,对他们进行空袭,把他们都吓坏了以后派我们的军队过去缴了他们的武器,然后让老百姓加入我们的军队就可以了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>You are underestimating nationalism。 </DIV>
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<DIV>你低估了他们的民族主义精神。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Well, they do have the power of culture and nationalism but then again if we napalm their rice then they will starve. Also we could easily defeat the chinese people in hand to hand combat because that karate stuff is no match for a good American Boxer. One clean punch and the chinese is gone.I think we should basically just use machine guns because there are so many people there. All we have to do is equip a few fast hum vees with hydrogen cells and machine guns with wooden bullets so we only injure them and then make the injured guys be in our army to even up the odds.Also asian girls love white guys so we could get half of their population on our side and make more troops that way. </DIV>
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<DIV>当然他们有很强的文化和民族主义精神,但还是那样,如果我们能炸了他们的稻田那他们就会挨饿,而且我们可以在短兵相接的战斗中不费吹灰之力就能取胜,中国空手道根本不是美国拳击的对手,干净漂亮的一拳就能把中国人打飞。我想我们还是用机枪,因为中国人实在太多了。我们只需要几部用氢燃料的高速吉普和机枪,机枪用木制子弹,那样我们就可以只打伤他们,然后让受伤的敌人加入我方,来弥补我方和敌方的人数差距。而且亚洲女孩喜欢白人小伙子,所以我们能够争取到中国人口的一半,然后通过她们制造更多我们的军队。 </DIV>
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<DIV><BR>now you just switched to stupidity because you ran out of arguments… none of that would work. We wouldn’t starve out civilians anyway… we are to nice </DIV>
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<DIV>现在你已经转换到愚蠢战术了,因为你已经没有任何论点了。那说的那些没有一个管用,而且我们也不会让老百姓挨饿。。我们太善良了 </DIV>
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<DIV>If you are joking then this post was rather funny.If not, then I pity your life. </DIV>
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<DIV>如果你的这个帖子是开玩笑,那挺滑稽的,如果不是,那我真可怜你这条生命。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Even a small amount of their standing army would f*ck us up as we are now. </DIV>
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<DIV>就算是他们一小部分的常备军也能让我们现在的军队完蛋。 </DIV>
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<DIV>China is so packed with people and if you just bombed one block 7000 people would be dead. Japan &gt; USA &gt; China </DIV>
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<DIV>中国人居住的太拥挤了,炸一个街区就能炸死7000人。 </DIV>
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<DIV>I hope you don’t mean militiristically… japan can’t even have an army for of fense and china has more land for its people than the us does… you don’t know what you are talking about。 </DIV>
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<DIV>我希望你不是说日本军国主义。。日本甚至连用于进攻的军队都没有。而且中国有比美国更多的能让人居住的土地,你根本不知道你说什么呢。 </DIV>
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<DIV>What is Japan gonna do, send their Tamagotchi’s after China? Japan doesnt have technology for military application. </DIV>
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<DIV>日本能做什么?送电子鸡去中国?日本根本没有用于军事的技术。 </DIV>
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<DIV>so? wuts ur point? there is nothing to do with Japan, and Japan is just an island country, China doesn’t even bother to beat it, coz it will be destroyed by thousand times of earthquake </DIV>
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 16:01 | 只看该作者
<DIV>Idiot, then the f*cking rest of their eligible population would damage us. All they would need is one shore break, thats it. Then they can just f*cking destroy us.Remember Veitnam?Remember why we lost?China, thats why </DIV>
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<DIV>蠢货,他们他XX的省下的那些认字的人就能摧毁我们了,他们只需要一次登陆,然后就他 <BR>XX的让我们都完蛋了。记得越南吗?记得我们为什么输了吗?是中国,这就是原因。 </DIV>
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<DIV>If i was pres.i would drop our entire stockpile of nukes on every major city/military base t <BR>hey have if they were to declare war.the side effects “radiation” would give the rest cancer, thus leaving them utterly f*cked.it would be the only way to win, and people would want to assasinate you though </DIV>
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<DIV>如果我是总统,如果他们宣战,那我就会把我们库存的所有核武器都倒在他们所有的大城市,军事基地上,负面影响是,辐射会使他们省下的人都得癌症,那他们的民族就彻底全他XX的完了,这是唯一能够取胜的方法,但过后人们会刺杀你。 </DIV>
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<DIV>in the end, if we do almost lose, well nuke them, thats what i think. </DIV>
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<DIV>如果到了最后,我们快输了的时候,我们将会用核武器炸他们,我是这么认为的。 </DIV>
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<DIV>yeah.. The chances are that china would win if the Usa didn’t usa nukes., but if china attacked any country they’d win, soo… Stupid Comies!! </DIV>
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<DIV>是呀,问题是如果美国不用核武器,中国就会赢。而如果中国攻击其他国家,他们也会赢。 </DIV>
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<DIV>IF china sent every member of they’re army out on suicide missions(with bombs)than… well half the earth would die. </DIV>
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<DIV>如果中国让他们每一个士兵去自杀性袭击的话,那半个地球都完蛋了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Look at Germany. There not huge and they took over how many countrys? </DIV>
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<DIV>看看德国,他们也不大但看他们占领了多少国家。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Hitler got pwned by the USSR and he had the mos technologic and strategically advanced army in WWII. </DIV>
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<DIV>希特勒有最好的技术和战术最优秀的军队,还不是让苏联打败了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>At this very moment we would win… we have more bombs, planes, tanks etc. in Ten years Chian would win, because presumably They will have The Bomb by then,and the will to use it </DIV>
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<DIV>如果现在开战,我们会赢,我们有更多的炮弹,飞机,坦克等。但如果十年以后开展,中国就会赢,因为那时他们应该有更多的核武器,而且他们会使用它们。 </DIV>
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<DIV>US would win we have canada </DIV>
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<DIV>美国会嬴,因为我们有加拿大。 </DIV>
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<DIV>idiot, canada’s entire population just = one province’s population in China canada’s overall force is way weaker than Chinese force, and canada need protection om the US , they don’t have than power </DIV>
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<DIV>笨蛋!加拿大整个人口是是=中国一个省的人口。加拿大的武装力量和中国比差远了,加拿大需要没有的保护,他们根本就没有力量。 </DIV>
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<DIV>coz they wouldn’y dare to, US has to seriously think about the outcome after nuking China, thousands of American would be blowed up at the same time. </DIV>
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<DIV>因为他们不敢这么做,美国必须小心考虑对中国用核武所产生的结果,成千上万的美国人也会被同时炸飞。 </DIV>
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<DIV>:What’re they going to do, send their entire population over here with knives? </DIV>
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<DIV>他们中国人能做什么?把他们整个人口用刀子武装起来然后派到我们美国来? </DIV>
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<DIV>r u retarded? they would use long-distance missile with nuclear warhead om submarine to blow the US up </DIV>
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<DIV>你是不是弱智呀?他们会用潜艇发射带核弹头的远程导弹把美国炸翻。 </DIV>
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<DIV>… What the f*ck? Do you have any idea how fast their technology is catching up? Within a few years’ time, their technological advances should rival that of the rest of the world. </DIV>
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<DIV>真特妈傻,你知道他们在技术方面追赶的有多快吗?几年之内,他们先进的技术能够匹敌整个世界。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Ignoring the fact that Japan’s army is now purely for defensive purposes, I be lieve that China is on par with the USA. </DIV>
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<DIV>不管日本的军队现在是完全用于防御的这个事实,我认为中国和美国的力量是一样强大的。 </DIV>
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<DIV>I don’t know who would win. China may have the numbers, but we have the better training, the better weaponry, and better access to resources. It really depends on the allies that rally behind the country as to who would win that war.Who struck first would also play a factor, and WHY they struck first would be a BIG issue on what other nations rally behind each nation. In all honesty, I think the US would win, but it would be a VERY long and VERY bloody war. </DIV>
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<DIV>我不知道谁能嬴,中国有人口,但我们有更好的训练,武器和可以利用的资源。谁能赢得胜利实际取决于哪个国家能得到更多的盟友的支持,谁先打击对方也是一个重要的取胜因素。为什么首先打击对方的原因也是其他国家决定支持任何一方所要考虑的最重要的因素。实话实说,我认为美国会赢,但肯定会是场非常长期的,血腥无比的战争。 </DIV>
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<DIV>And to the person that was talking about the Nazis getting crushed by the Russians… the only reason that happened is because by that point in the war, Germany had been running out o esources for some time. </DIV>
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<DIV>回答那个讨论俄国打败**的人,唯一的原因就是在战争进行到某一点时,德国有时物资跟不上了。 </DIV>
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<DIV>Technology may mean a lot. But they have enough nukes to take us out. For that <BR>reason we can do shit on the playing field. In a world full of technology it doesn’t take that much to catch up. They can have all the technology they want thanks to the internet. Besides. China has a sort of black curtain. The west probably doesn’t fully understand what they have. They do have machine guns…and that is enough. With proper motivation it wouldn’t take much to arm there large force sufficiently to take us out. Granted they may lose more people. But we would eventually lose, just because we were overwelmed. </DIV>
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<DIV>技术也许很重要,但他们也有足够干掉我们的核武。所以我们不能瞎玩闹而不重视了。现在世界上技术无处不在,想在技术上赶上一点也不难。他们可以得到他们想要的任何技术,感谢互联网。另外,中国有些黑幕。西方也许并不知道他们到底有什么。他们也有机枪。。。。那就足够了。只要有合适的号召鼓动,完善的装备他们数量巨大的武装力量而干掉我们一点也不难。就算他们会伤亡更多的人,但我们最终会输掉,我们会被他们的数量最终压倒的。 </DIV>
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<DIV>subs comparable to American subs in the 70’s, crappier planes, helicopters, long range bombers, everything. There is no way in hell China would ever catch up to the US military technology wise within the next half century at the least </DIV>
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<DIV>他们的潜艇就相当于美国70年代的,很烂的飞机,直升机,远程轰炸机,所有的一切。中国绝对他XX的在最少下半个世纪之前在军事技术领域赶不上美国。 </DIV>
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<DIV>China= Sleeping Giant… With their massive population and there unbelievably fast growing economy, It’s only a matter of time they become the most powerful nation… Oh how much would the American government hate that… </DIV>
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<DIV>中国=沉睡的巨人。。以他们巨大的人口和他们难以置信的经济增速。成为世界上最强大的国家只是个时间问题。。。啊,美国政府多么憎恨这点呀 </DIV>
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<DIV>Okay. Why would China fight the US?? They’re allies! Idiot. </DIV>
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<DIV>得了,中国为什么要打美国呢?他们是盟国。笨蛋 </DIV>
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<DIV>As long as the chinese could move their troops they would win. Transport is their only issue and easily solved with the numbers they have. </DIV>
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<DIV>中国只要能调动他们的军队他们就能嬴,运输是他们唯一的问题,但这个问题可以以他们众多的人数而轻易解决。 </DIV>
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<DIV>all though I agree that racism doesn’t belong in this topic and that many of the posters don’t know what they are talking about.The main point of this is that a War with china should be avoided to the greatest extent possible </DIV>
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<DIV>我同意种族主义不属于我们这个帖子的讨论范围,这里很多人根本就不知道自己在说什么呢。最关键的问题是和中国的战争应该是尽我们最大程度的可能去努力去避免的。 </DIV>
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<DIV>for the moment the USA is the king of the world but it will change and China will become the boss of the world . But China is creating a new system dictatorship linked with capitalism that’s a dangerous mix but it works !Oh democracy …. </DIV>
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<DIV>现在美国是世界的老板,但这将会改变,中国将会成为世界的老板。但是中国创造了一种新的威权主义和资本主义相结合的制度,这很危险但却很实用!哎,民主呀。。。 </DIV>
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发表于 2008-5-26 16:08 | 只看该作者
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