D:\Leela0105GTP>\pypy2\pypy sgfanalyze.py --help
usage: sgfanalyze.py [-h] [--start MOVENUM] [--stop MOVENUM]
[--analyze-thresh T] [--var-thresh T]
[--secs-per-search S] [--nodes-per-var N]
[--win-graph PDF] [-v V] --leela CMD [--cache DIR]
[--restarts N] [--wipe-comments] [--skip-white]
positional arguments:
SGF_FILE SGF file to analyze
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--start MOVENUM Analyze game starting at this move (default=0)
--stop MOVENUM Analyze game stopping at this move (default=1000)
--analyze-thresh T Display analysis on moves losing approx at least this
much win rate when the game is close (default=0.03)
--var-thresh T Explore variations on moves losing approx at least this
much win rate when the game is close (default=0.03)
--secs-per-search S How many seconds to use per search (default=10)
--nodes-per-var N How many nodes to explore with leela in each variation
tree (default=8)
--win-graph PDF Output pdf graph of win rate to this file, must have
matplotlib installed
-v V, --verbosity V Set the verbosity level, 0: progress only, 1:
progress+status, 2: progress+status+state
--cache DIR Set a directory to cache partially complete analyses,
default ~/.leela_checkpoints
--restarts N If leela crashes, retry the analysis step this many
times before reporting a failure
--wipe-comments Remove existing comments from the main line of the SGF
--skip-white Do not display analysis or explore variations for white
--skip-black Do not display analysis or explore variations for black
required named arguments:
--leela CMD Command to run Leela executable