Usage: pachi [OPTIONS] [ENGINE_ARGS]
-c, --chatfile FILE set kgs chatfile
--compile-flags show pachi's compile flags
-d, --debug-level LEVEL set debug level
-D don't log board diagrams
--nopassfirst don't pass first (needed for kgs)
-e, --engine ENGINE select engine (default uct). Supported engines:
uct, dcnn, patternplay, replay, random, montecarlo, distributed
-f, --fbook FBOOKFILE use opening book
-g, --gtp-port [HOST:]GTP_PORT read gtp commands from network instead of stdin.
listen on given port if HOST not given, otherwise
connect to remote host.
-h, --help show usage
--kgs turn on kgs-specific behavior (currently --nopassfirst)
-l, --log-port [HOST:]LOG_PORT log to remote host instead of stderr
-o --log-file FILE log to FILE instead of stderr
-r, --rules RULESET rules to use: (default chinese)
-s, --seed RANDOM_SEED set random seed
-t, --time TIME_SETTINGS force basic time settings (override kgs/gtp time settings)
--fuseki-time TIME_SETTINGS specific time settings to use during fuseki
-u, --unit-test FILE run unit tests
--verbose-caffe enable caffe logging
-v, --version show version
Engine components:
--dcnn, --nodcnn dcnn required / disabled
--patterns, --nopatterns mm patterns required / disabled
--joseki, --nojoseki joseki engine required / disabled
=SIMS fixed number of Monte-Carlo simulations per move
Pachi will play fast on a fast computer, slow on a slow computer,
but strength will remain the same.
=SIMS:MAX_SIMS same but allow playing up-to MAX_SIMS simulations if best move is unclear.
useful to avoid blunders when playing with very low number of simulations.
SECS fixed number of seconds per move
Pachi will spend a little less to allow for network latency and other
unexpected slowdowns. This is the same as one-period japanese byoyomi.
_SECS absolute time: use fixed number of seconds for the whole game
Examples: pachi -t =5000 5000 simulations per move
pachi -t =5000:15000 max 15000 simulations per move
pachi -t 20 20s per move
pachi -t _600 10min game, sudden death