GPU 设置格式同 CPU,要求不高按贴中改为用 GPU 的引擎就行。
详细参数说明,在 DOS 窗口,用“leelaz.exe /?”命令查看
下面是 Leela Zero 0.16 用 “leelaz.exe /?” 查看的参数:
Generic options:
-h [ --help ] Show commandline options.
-g [ --gtp ] Enable GTP mode.
-t [ --threads ] arg (=2) Number of threads to use.
-p [ --playouts ] arg Weaken engine by limiting the number of
playouts. Requires --noponder.
-v [ --visits ] arg Weaken engine by limiting the number of
-b [ --lagbuffer ] arg (=100) Safety margin for time usage in
-r [ --resignpct ] arg (=-1) Resign when winrate is less than x%.
-1 uses 10% but scales for handicap.
-w [ --weights ] arg (=D:\GAMES\ElfOpenGo\leela-zero-0.16-CPU-GUP-win64\best-network)
File with network weights.
-l [ --logfile ] arg File to log input/output to.
-q [ --quiet ] Disable all diagnostic output.
--timemanage arg (=auto) [auto|on|off|fast|no_pruning] Enable
time management features.
auto = no_pruning when using -n,
otherwise on.
on = Cut off search when the best move
can't change, but use full time if
moving faster doesn't save time.
fast = Same as on but always plays
no_pruning = For self play training
--noponder Disable thinking on opponent's time.
--benchmark Test network and exit. Default args:
-v3200 --noponder -m0 -t1 -s1.
--cpu-only Use CPU-only implementation and do not
use GPU.
GPU options:
--gpu arg ID of the OpenCL device(s) to use
(disables autodetection).
--full-tuner Try harder to find an optimal OpenCL
--tune-only Tune OpenCL only and then exit.
--precision arg Floating-point precision
Default is to auto which automatically
determines which one to use.
Self-play options:
-n [ --noise ] Enable policy network randomization.
-s [ --seed ] arg Random number generation seed.
-d [ --dumbpass ] Don't use heuristics for smarter
-m [ --randomcnt ] arg (=0) Play more randomly the first x moves.
--randomvisits arg (=1) Don't play random moves if they have <=
x visits.
--randomtemp arg (=1) Temperature to use for random move