标题: 调查:对围棋软件开发,你认为做全局对弈重要还是做死活解题软件重要? [打印本页]
作者: 郝搏生 时间: 2005-4-11 13:44
标题: 调查:对围棋软件开发,你认为做全局对弈重要还是做死活解题软件重要?
<>做个小调查。完全的问题应是:对您来说,对于做围棋软件开发,你认为做个一般的全局对弈程序重要 还是做个 水平极高的死活题解题软件 重要?</P><>偶曾经认为,做个死活题解题软件很有用,如果是能达到业三、甚至业五水平的,那不是对中低水平的围棋爱好者来讲 不是很有用吗。 但曾有一位朋友 建议,要做就要做全局的,还是十九路的 (说九路的没用),但考虑围棋水平、开发时间、人力等问题,一直做得很零碎。</P><>各位感兴趣的,请投票。(不投票的话,表示不赞成做,那表示你不需要 别人来开发围棋软件,is it?)</P><>至于 好的棋谱管理软件,已有人在做了。本人在这几天这里的相关帖子中曾提及过,不再重复。</P><>自认为 若做个电脑围棋人机博弈(对弈)程序,大概几年后 能有业初的水平 (比如十年);但若是做个死活题解题程序,那 做个业五的水平 现在都已经有些设想了(若真的做的话 大概需要三、五年)。(在此也呼吁一下 有愿意合作者 请到 电脑围棋角一起探讨。至于那些对本人AI水平及电脑博弈水平有所怀疑者 可到电脑博弈/电脑围棋角一看。)</P><>另,现在做个比*新浪围棋*的点目程序 好一点的,不该是很难的 (相对于对弈程序的开发而言;但仍需花费相当的人月)。没有做,只是表示 对电脑围棋AI的不了解。</P><>注:业初 按手谈为9级来估计。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-11 14:00:59编辑过]
作者: liyang1970 时间: 2005-4-11 14:02
作者: shtzj 时间: 2005-4-11 16:16
作者: Fish 时间: 2005-4-12 09:01
作者: szzxh 时间: 2005-4-12 17:45
作者: chcchc66 时间: 2005-4-13 12:07
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作者: jmlv 时间: 2005-4-13 19:23
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作者: 绿燕子 时间: 2005-4-17 23:28
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-17 23:44:21编辑过]
作者: 郝搏生 时间: 2005-4-22 17:03
<>多谢各位关注。</P><>> 你的局部死活软件是商业软件吗?</P><>有很多东西是先从一个小项目开始的。Yahoo搜索引擎开始是几个人一个小组的项目;。。。 在开始的时候是不能想着太多的商业利益的。</P><>> 不知楼主有没有“编下围棋程序的算法”?---------------这才是最重要的!!!</P><>算法是从简单开始研究的。这正象探索星球一样,先登上月亮,再去登火星,再去登更远一点的星球。简单的下围棋的算法 算是知道一点吧。这在电脑围棋角中已经介绍了不少 (以给出源码方式介绍的)。</P><>正象楼上所说的,在高水平的围棋程序中,需要用到死活求解子程序。同意。</P>
作者: 绿燕子 时间: 2005-4-22 22:47
作者: 郝搏生 时间: 2005-4-27 12:36
<>> 楼主能否把你的“下围棋的算法”在这里介绍一下?</P><>很抱歉,“下围棋的算法”不是三言二语就可以说明白的。I don't think I have the mood to write an article about this subject at the moment. Maybe I'll put sth about that on my website in the possible future. (Sorry to say that I have to do sth else.) [em03]</P>
作者: 绿燕子 时间: 2005-4-29 23:54
<>来自GNU Go的问题:</P><>//--------------------------------------------------------------
// long term issues
These issues are strategic in nature. They will help us to improve the
playing strength of the program and/or enhance certain aspects of it.
* Extend the regression test suites.
See the texinfo manual in the doc directory for a description of
how to do this. In particular it would be useful with test suites
for common life and death problems. Currently second line groups, L
groups and the tripod shape are reasonably well covered, but there
is for example almost nothing on comb formations, carpenter's
square, and so on. Other areas where test suites would be most
welcome are fuseki, tesuji, and endgame.
* Tuning the pattern databases. These are under constant revision. Tuning
them is a sort of art. It is not necessary to do any programming to do
this since most of the patterns do not require helpers. We would like it if
a few more Dan level players would learn this skill.
* Extend and tune the Joseki database. It might be very useful to implement
a semi-automatic way of doing this. The current method based on sgf files
becomes difficult with existing tools.
* The semeai module is still in need of improvement. (This is underway.)
* GNU Go does not have a move generator that tries explicitly to build
moyos, or reduce/invade opponent's moyos. Such a move generator could
be built using the same type of code that is used in the owl life and
death reader, or the connection reader mentioned in point 5 above.
* A much improved combination module. The combination module of
today only finds combinations of threats to capture enemy groups.
A more useful combination module would e.g. find combinations of
threats to capture a group or enter opponent territory. It would
also be strong enough to find combinations of strategic moves and
more indirect threats (a threat to a threat). Possibly it could
combine threats in AND-OR trees (DAGs?) that could be searched
using ordinary tree search algorithms. (Revision of combination.c
is underway.)
* Speed up the tactical reading. GNU Go is reasonably accurate when
it comes to tactical reading, but not always very fast. The main
problem is that too many ineffective moves are tested, leading to
strange variations that shouldn't need consideration. To improve
one could refine the move generation heuristics in the reading.
Also, one should implement some more of the standard tree search
optimizations used in alpha-beta readers.
* Improve the heuristics for assessment of the safety of a
group. This might take into account number of eyes / half eyes,
moyo in corners, moyo along the edge, moyo in the center, proximity
to living friendly groups, weak opponent groups etc. It is of
particular interest to be able to accurately determine how a move
affects the safety of all groups on the board.
作者: 一阵狂风 时间: 2005-5-7 12:51
作者: hcwasa 时间: 2005-5-11 21:36
作者: smarbear 时间: 2005-5-13 19:27
作者: 郝搏生 时间: 2005-5-19 23:13
<>谢谢smarbear的关心。</P><>第一层次的软件,好象已经有了吧。这还需要吗。</P><>第二层次的软件,才是偶所设想的死活解题程序。你所说的占地最大 则要用到官子知识了。</P><>另,对用户自行出的死活题,可能是 有多个答案、或没有答案吧;这也可能是一个局部的对弈模块了。</P><>局部的死活求解,离全局对弈尚有不少距离;但高水平的全局对弈,离不开水平高的死活求解模块(程序)。</P>
作者: Sigar 时间: 2005-5-27 13:27
作者: toman118 时间: 2005-6-1 19:23
作者: wombat 时间: 2005-6-14 15:27
<>new idea: 做个可以帮助专业棋手研究新定式, 鬼手的软件, or 人机配合去训练棋手. 或许可以让中国队多获几个世界冠军.</P>
作者: hcwasa 时间: 2005-6-16 21:37
作者: wxing 时间: 2005-6-27 15:24
作者: zm0122 时间: 2006-5-7 08:53
作者: hjm_weiqi 时间: 2006-5-11 17:21
作者: clyin 时间: 2006-6-6 16:18
作者: bf523 时间: 2006-7-6 16:01
作者: mengyousihai 时间: 2006-8-25 14:03
作者: yangyu 时间: 2006-8-28 18:34
作者: yangyu 时间: 2006-8-28 18:36
标题: 智能
作者: paya 时间: 2006-8-28 18:48
作者: jfw 时间: 2006-12-5 10:40
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