本帖最后由 lygxwx 于 2017-5-30 21:43 编辑
来自未来的棋谱--AlphaGo自战50盘对局 每谱50手超大谱
https://item.taobao.com/item.htm ... LZy&id=552191458762
To mark the end of the Future of Go Summit in Wuzhen, China in May 2017, we wanted to give a special gift to fans of Go around the world. Since our match with Lee Sedol, AlphaGo has become its own teacher, playing millions of high level training games against itself to continually improve. We’re now publishing a special set of 50 AlphaGo vs AlphaGo games, played at full length time controls, which we believe contain many new and interesting ideas and strategies. 为了纪念中国乌镇2017年5月的围棋峰会的成功举办,我们想给全世界的围棋爱好者们一份特殊的礼物。自从和李世石的比赛后,AlphaGo成为了他自己的老师,自己和自己对弈了数百万高水平的训练对局,水平持续提高。我们现在公布其中的50盘 AlphaGo vs AlphaGo 的特别对局,都是有足够时间的对局。我们相信这些对局中,有许多新的,很有意思的想法和策略。
We took the opportunity at the Summit to show some of these games to a handful of top professionals. 我们借本次围棋峰会的机会,分享了部分对局给一些顶尖职业棋手。
Shi Yue, 9 Dan Professional and World Champion said the games were “Like nothing I’ve ever seen before - they’re how I imagine games from far in the future.”
Gu Li, 9 Dan Professional and World Champion, said that “AlphaGo’s self play games are incredible - we can learn many things from them.” 古力,职业九段,世界冠军。"AlphaGo 的自战对局太不可思议了,我们可以从中学习的东西太多了"
We hope that all Go players will now enjoy trying out some of the moves in the set. The first ten games are now available below. 我们希望所有的喜欢围棋的爱好者们可以尝试这一系列对局中的一些走法。