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发表于 2011-4-12 09:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2012-2-6 09:12 编辑





第1章:江户时期日本围棋 博班正在进行

第2章:秀策生平 博班正在进行


第4章:展露头角(1-13局) tnt0前辈已经翻译了其中11局,12,13,northtiger

第5章:遭遇幻庵 第 14,15局 Kinghert完成

第6章:继承本因坊 恒星已经翻译了16-20第21-35局恒星正在进行中…… 已完成部分见恒星的贴子:



第7章:与雄藏的三十番棋 第38-60. 肥羊全部完成。


第8章:不败 第61-80局。已经翻译:61-67


79,80 天涯月明正在进行中……

68-78  68,肥羊正在进行中……

最后还有个Part two,收录了秀策一些比较重要的对局棋谱。部分有简单的一两句引述秀和等人的解说。

[ 本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2011-4-19 16:19 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-12 09:05 | 只看该作者
Transliteration  Chinese    English

aji 味道
Aji  keshi  解消余味 a move which destroys one’s own potential
anti-atari   反打 anti-beating;anti-attacking
atari(by playing atari at a) 打(在A位打)to beat;to chase;to capture;to seize;to cut-attack;to check
bango 番棋  gamematch
bigmoyo  大模样作战  to make a large frame work
bonte(honte)本手 proper move
byo-yomi  读秒  second  counting
chuban        中盘  Middle  game
cut-atari 打吃;断打to beat;to attack
daidaigeima   超大飞the great  great  knight’smove
dame  单官;气  single end game point;liberty
Damezumari  气短  a short age of liberties
dan  段  high-grade
dan grading  段位  rank
dengo  一块待做活的棋a solid,insufficient mass of stones
double atari;ryo-atari 双打吃  double beating;double attacking
double ko;ryoko  双劫 double seesaw-fight
double sente;ryosente  双方先手  double  initiative  move
five-pointnakade梅花五(聚五)bulky  five
flowerviewingko花形劫;看花劫  a  flower-viewing  saw-fight
furikawari  交换  exchange;trade;swap
fuseki  布局;序盘opening;during the opening
gaisei 外势 outside  influence;outward  influence
gankei 眼形 eye-shape
geima;kogeima 飞;小飞  a  knight’smove
geta 枷;封 net(to net the white cutting stone);fence
goban 棋盘 board;full size board;teaching board
godokoro 棋所ancient japanes ego institute
gotsubo:go-ke 棋盒;棋罐box:bowl
go;igo 围棋weichi(weiqi)
go-ishi 棋子(扁圆形)stone(oblate);piece;(men)
Gosei 棋圣(小棋圣)Gosage
gote 后手a move losing initiative,a passive move(a move or position in which the opponent does not need to answer.)
gote no sente 后中先 a passive move,having initiative
gukei 愚形 bad shape
gyaku sente 逆先手 a reverse initiative move
gyaku yose 逆官子 a reverse end point
hamete 欺招;欺着;嵌手trick play;trick move
hanko 半劫 half-seesaw-fight
hanami-ko 无忧劫 picnic seesaw fight
hana-zuke 鼻顶 nose attachment
hane  扳 (to play hane at 1);(to push in to the hane);(to throw a stone into the weakness of w’s hane with 3)扳 to bend
hane-at-the-head-of-two 二子头必扳 bend around the-head of-two
hane-kaeshi 反扳 anti-bend
hangan 半眼 half an eye
han-moku 半目 half a point
hasami 夹 pincer;squeeze;(to play the squeeze); pincer attack
hasami-kaeshi 反夹anti-pincer
haya-go 快棋赛 fast game;high speed game
hazama 穿象眼a move at the middle pointof a diagonal jump
hazama tobi 象飞 diagonal jump
hiri(a)ki 拆to extend;extension;to make extension
hon-ko 半劫 a half see saw fight
Honinbo 本因坊 a honorable title of Japanese highest Go play-er
honte 本手 a proper move(a move is one that is played to reduce the amount of potential in one‘s position)
hoshi komoku fuse 星小目布局4-4 and 3-4 opening
hoshi;seimoku 星 star point;dotted intersection
ikkenkakari 一间挂角 one-space approach
ikken-basami 一间夹 one-space pincer
ikken-biraki 一间拆 one-space extension
ikken-jimari  单关守角  one-space enclosure
ikken-tobe 关,一间跳 one spacejump
ishi 子 stone
ishi-no-shita  倒脱靴 to set up a snap-back
               用倒脱靴吃catch him in a snap-back
ji 地 territory
jiko 和棋;持棋a draw(game)
joban 序盘the beginning phase of the game
joseki  定式 formalized series of moves;corner opening
josen  定先 appointing who plays the first move
jozu  强手;上手stronger player
Jubango 十番棋  Ten-games race
Judansen 十段战 Race between two tenduan’s
jun-Meijin 准名人 An honorable title of Japanese higher Go player(lower than meijin)
kabe 壁 wall
kakari 挂角 approach
kake 飞压 to press by a knight’s move
kake tsugu 虎 a hanging connection;tiger mouth
kage-me 假眼 false eye
katteyomi希望对手平凡地回应自以为是的‘好手’self-centered play expecting uninspired an-swersto‘good’moves
keima 小飞aknight’smovejump
kenuki(tenuki)脱先,脱手play else where;play any where else
keshi 消,侵消to weaken
ki 棋 go
kifu 棋谱gamefigure;weichimanual
ki-in(Nihon)日本棋院Japan chess institute
kikashi 先手利 a forcing move requiring an answer
kiri-chigai 扭断 cross-cut
Kisei 棋圣 Weichi sage qi saint
kishi 棋士go-player
ko 劫seesaw-fight;atiger  mouth(T.M)fight;see-saw;swing;knot
komi 贴子(贴目)compensation of stones
komoko 小目 the3-4point
kosumi 尖,小尖 diagonal move
kosumi-tsuke 尖顶 attachment with a diagonal move
kozai;kothreat 劫材 seesaw-fight threat
kyu 级
kyuho 急所 an urgent point;avital point
large fuseki point;oba大场large point,extension
magari 曲 turning move
magari tsuke 拐头
mannen ko 万年劫 thousand-year seesaw-fight
me 点 point
me 眼 eye
me-arime-nashi 有眼杀无眼 one eye beats no eye
me-gatuchi 眼位 eye space
Meijin 名人 An honorable title of Japanese highest Go player
mekura go 盲棋blind fold go
menjo 棋力证书;免状qualification
miai 见合;各一either-or
mane-go 模仿棋 mimic game
mokuhazushi 目外 the 5-3 point
moyo 大模样the large frame work
myoshi 妙手a brilliant move
nadare joseki 雪崩avalanche;sliding like snow off amountain
nakade 点眼 tospot
Nidan hane 连扳two-stepbending
nigiri 猜先guessing on part of the players
Nihon ki in 日本棋院Japanese chess institute
niken-basami 二间夹two-space pincer
niken-biraki 二间拆two-space extension
niken-jimari 二间守角two-space enclosure
niken-taka-basami 二间高夹high two-space pincer
niken-taka-gatari 二间高挂two-space high approach
nikken kakari 二间挂角two-space approach
nikken-tobe 二间跳;隔二关two-space jump
niren-sei 二连星 Two-stars opening
nobi;nobiru长  to extend;to extend to;solid extension
            伸出头 to poke his head out
nozoki 刺 peep;stab
nurui 缓 lukewarm,slack
oba 大场 large point
ogeima 大飞 a large knight’s move
ogeima 大飞挂 large-knight approach move
ogeima jimari 大飞守角 large-knight’s corner enclosure
oki-go 让子棋;授子棋 handicap game;there were handicaps;where handicaps are given
omoi 重 heavy
onadare joseki 大雪崩large avalanche
osae;osaeru  挡  block
oshi  压  pressingmove
oteai段位赛professional promotion tournament;competi-tion to determine the player’s rank of high- grade or grade
oyorrshi 接不归 hotpursuit
poka 恶手 blunder;mistake;oversight
ponnuki开花;(提一子后的眼形)The diamond shape left behind after a single stone has been captured.
ponnuki is worth 30 points 空提一子三十目 It is worth30pointstocatchonestone.
quadruleko;shiko  四劫  a quadruple saw-fight;4-T.M.fight
Ranko 烂柯 Decomposed axe-handle(anothername ofGo)
real ko 本劫 a real seesaw fight
rengo 连棋team go
reverse sente; gyaku sente 逆先手 a reverse initiative move
reverse yose 逆官子 reverse end game point
ryo-atari 双打 double beating
ryo-gote 双方后手 a losing move for bothsides
ryo-ko 双劫 double seesaw-fight
ryo-sente 双方先手 initiative move for bothsides
sabaki 腾挪 making light,flexible shape in order to save group
sagari 立;下立 descent
sandan-hane 三连扳 triple bending
sangen basami 三间夹three-space pincer
sangen biraki 三间拆three-space extension
sangen tobe 三间跳three-spacejump
san-ko 三劫 triple seesaw fight
sanren-sei 三连星 three-stars opening
sansan 三三 3-3point
saru-suberi 大飞伸腿 the monkey jump;the great monkey
sashikomi 去眼 to eliminate eyes
seki 双活 impasse;bothliving;living stones for both sides;mutual alive
sekito-shibori 大头鬼 the stone tower squeeze
seme 攻击;进攻to attack;a potential  attack;advance(a-gainst,on,upon)
semeai 对杀失败(胜利)to lose(to win)the race
semedori 收气吃 A situation in which dead stones must even-tually be captured
sen-aisen 先相先 A form of playing first move,in three games the weaker player plays two games first in the order of black-black-white or black-white- black
senban 先番 The weaker player always plays the first stone
sen-ni 先二 A form of playing:in two games the weaker player plays one game first and is given 2 handicaps in the second game
sente  先手an initiative move;a leading hand
shiko  四劫a quadruple seesaw fight
shiai  比赛competition;match
shibori  滚打包收  wrap  upin the roll;squeeze
shicho 征;扭羊头l  adder;snack;zigzag
shicho-atari  引征  to play a ladder breaker;a ladder breaking move
shido go 指导棋a teaching game
shimari 守角a two move enclosure of a corner
shimbun go  新闻棋赛 newspaper tournament
Shinfuseki;Newfuseki新布局(一般指吴清源与木谷实的新布局)New opening
shini-ishi 死子  prisoner;the dead stone
shinogi  治孤saving an endangered group or stones
shitate  弱手;下手weaker player;lower ranked player
shitatsu  死活life and death
shodan,1dan  初段initial high-grade;No.1 high-grade
shuban  终盘;收官end game;the end of the game;end posi-tion;the closing stages of the game
shudan  手谈  handtalking
Shusaku-ryu  秀策流  the Shusaku style
son  损 unprofitable;losing
son-ko  损劫a unprofitable saw-fight;a losing saw-fight
sotodame  外气outside liberty
sugata  形 shape;formation
suji  棋筋,筋 key point
sume 角 corner;cornerarea(of the corner)
suteru(v.) sute-ishi(n.)  弃子 sacrifice;to sacrifice stones;discard
tagai sen  互先The players play the first move in turn.
taisha  大斜a large knight’smove
takamoku  高目the 5-4point
takefu  双;竹节a bamboo joint
te  手;着move;to make a move
tedomari  最后一手棋the last play
tejun  顺序;次序order of moves;sequence
tengen(taikyoku)天元  center star;heaven star
tenuki  脱先;脱手play else where;play any where else
teokure  缓手a slow move
tesuji 好手;手筋a clever move;an ingenious move
tetchu 铁柱守角i ronpillar
tewari  解剖;手割 dissect
The ko is quite large.大劫a large seesaw-fight
three point nakade 直三a straight three eye-space
to eliminate atari 消除打吃to eliminate beating;to eliminate attacking
tobe 跳;上跳jump(usually toward the center of the board);linking up
touke(corner)托(角)contact move
triple hane; sandan bane 三连扳 triple bending
tripleko;sanko 三劫 a triple seesaw-fight;3-T.M.fight
tsugi 连 connect(at2);the solid connection
tsuke 靠,碰,搭 the contact play;an attachment
tsuki-dashi  冲  to push in;try to break through;to get through
tsume 逼checking extension
tsume-go 死活棋;诘棋a life and death problem
tsume-ko 生死劫all dominating seesaw fight
two-step hane;double hane;nidan bane 连扳  two-step bending
uchikake 封棋;打挂 adjourning a game
uchikaki 扑 throw-in
uchikomi 打入 invasion;toinvade
uchisugi 胜过 overplay
uki-ishi 浮棋 floating stones;stones without abase
usui 薄 thin
usui katachi 薄形 a thin or weak shape
utte-gaeshi 倒扑 snap-back;pitch
warikomi 挖 a wedge between two stones
wariuchi 分投 split;a splitting move
watari 下渡 linking under;to cross over
yomi 读棋 reading;analyzingaposition
yose 官子 endgame point
yose-ko 缓气劫 approach-move seesaw-fight
yurumi shicho 宽气征 a loose ladder
zo kusuji 俗筋;俗手 bad style,a crude move

[ 本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2011-4-12 09:27 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-12 09:06 | 只看该作者




[ 本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2011-4-12 09:31 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-12 09:06 | 只看该作者

live-in disciple: 内弟子
bad style:俗手
key stones: 棋筋

splitting attack:
slack move:缓手


Ueno 上野
Kurumazaka 车坂下

Haruyama Isamu 春山勇
Ishida Yoshio 石田芳夫
Ito Showa 伊藤松和
Josaku 丈策
Jowa 丈和
Ohira Shuzo 大平修三
Sato Sunao 佐藤直男
Segoe Kensaku 濑越宪作
Shuho 秀甫
Murase Shuho 村濑秀甫

shuetsu 秀悦
shuei 秀荣
Shuwa 秀和

[ 本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2011-5-11 10:59 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-12 09:06 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-12 09:06 | 只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 天外肥羊 于 2011-4-12 14:34 编辑 ]
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