AlphaGo团队澄清测试对局疑问手 黄士杰摆错了2017年01月21日06:53
樊麾微博 1月20日晚,AlphaGo团队的樊麾发布了一篇长微博,为大家澄清Master的60盘网上测试对局中的“误会”,两步令人费解的招法是人工输入棋谱误摆所致。以下是微博全文:
“人肉臂”黄士杰操作失误了 感谢大家对AlphaGo最近的测试对局所展现出的兴趣,我们团队感到很高兴。由于这60局棋被广泛且深入的研究,我们想要澄清两处人为的操作失误,帮助大家更好的分析這些對局。这些是由于快棋而导致的人为操作失误,因此沒有下出AlphaGo原本的下法。
The AlphaGo team has been delighted by the Go community‘s interest in AlphaGo’s recent test games played by Master(P) and Magister(P)。 As these 60 games have become the object of deep study and investigation, we would like to clarify two situations in which, due to the short time controls, the operator accidentally entered a move other than AlphaGo‘s recommendation。 We hope these notes will help all the Go players analysing and learning from these games。
图1 在第9局与HopeIdo(P)的对局中(图一),AlphaGo原本是想下在图中的黑1(F13)提子,实战的K6是操作者的失误。
In game 9 against HopeIdo(P), AlphaGo recommended capturing at F13, and K6 was an operator error。
图2 在于jpgo01的对局中(图二),AlphaGo原本是想下在图中的黑1(O12),实战的N6是人为失误。
In the game against jpgo01, AlphaGo suggested O12 instead of N6, which was also due to human error。