

the end of Ramadan festival

已有 830 次阅读2017-4-25 10:33 | festival

               Eid al-Fitr, also known as eker Bayram , is a festival to celebrate the end of Ramadan festival. On the day of Eid al-Fitr, Muslims generally get up very early and eat early after prayer, symbolizing the end of Ramadan. And then they go out to greet each other to restore the link between friends and relatives . Kurban Bayram The festival is translated as the Eid al-Adha Festival and is an important festival of Islam. 
                 On the day of the festival, the Muslims will wear new clothes to slaughter their animals and give their meat not only to their families, but also to the poor. Have a try with dali hotel . Ramadan It is a national religious festival, lasting for a period of one month. The first day of Ramadan may change with the moon. The 28th day of the Ramadan is Eve Power Night, which is a national religious holiday.






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