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分享 The essence of the local food
asfgh1246 2017-4-7 11:07
Due to the racial diversity of Myanmar, the cuisine of Yangon City also shows all-inclusive features. It is mostly influenced by Shan, Burman, China and India. When eating in Yangon, there are many options. The best restaurants in Myanmar are mostly located in the north of the city center and near the embassy and the lake. The essence of the local food includes the fish, meat, vegetables as well as gourd soup. Myanmar diet is a little spicy. The fried shrimp sauce is a must-eat dish for locals. Yangon is rich in coconut palms. So , many foods are mixed with the coconut meat, such as the coconut rice, coconut milk noodles and all kinds of snacks made by coconut. They are very authentic Burmese food. Have a try with dali hotel . There are also many delicious restaurants recommended to you in Yangon. You don’t want to miss them.
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分享 authentic Burmese food
asfgh1246 2017-4-6 11:14
Due to the racial diversity of Myanmar, the cuisine of Yangon City also shows all-inclusive features. It is mostly influenced by Shan, Burman, China and India. When eating in Yangon, there are many options. The best restaurants in Myanmar are mostly located in the north of the city center and near the embassy and the lake. The essence of the local food includes the fish, meat, vegetables and gourd soup. Myanmar diet is a little spicy. The fried shrimp sauce is a must-eat dish for locals. Yangon is rich in coconut palms. So, many foods are mixed with the coconut meat, such as the coconut rice, coconut milk noodles and all kinds of snacks made by coconut. They are very authentic Burmese food. So wo can choose the wuxi hotel . There are also many delicious restaurants recommended to you in Yangon. You don’t want to miss them. Mai Thai Mai Thai is mainly cooking Thai authentic local cuisine, which is deeply loved by the local people. From Tom Yam Kung to the crab, each dish is carefully produced by the shop. It is worth a try. The shop is also well decorated.
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